I know where I’m going.

Launching U College one of Australia’s most innovative RTO’s in the education sector.

The Challenge

U College was a successful Australian online reseller of training courses aimed at 20-45 year old career changers for a number of different education providers. The challenge was to be seen as a leader in the sector and to cut through the conventions of the category.

The Insight

Research revealed most Australian Education Colleges/RTO’s have been developed form a traditional academic, heraldic brand personality. U College wanted to be different. They wanted to have fun, be a bit quirky, communicate to students directly in an easy to understand language that reflected their own culture. This resulted in a new focus for all communications expressed in a new brand purpose ‘I know where I’m going’ statement.

The brand promise expressed the idea that every student and each pathway journey is unique. Service-quality initiatives where introduced for U College employees so each student interaction further crystallised and reinforced a feeling of confidence and empowerment that they had a clear direction ‘I know where I’m going’. U Coollege would help students to fulfil their potential.

Brand Identity

We created a new brandmark and identity that would truely engage students and also attract education providers. The bold, eye-catching U College brandmark was developed by combining a traditional university capital U letterform with a fingerprint pattern to symbolise a students individuality and unique pathway into higher education.

The Impact

The new brand, identity and website are both distinctive and engaging, giving U College a strong brand presence in a crowded education sector and a sustainable platform for future growth