Care for life

Elevating a pharmacy chain to a name synonymous with care for all seasons of life, and rejuvenating its customer base to stay market-relevant.

Singapore Design Awards 2012

Branding (Bronze)

NTUC Unity Pharmacy Branding - Singapore

The Challenge

NTUC Unity is the largest healthcare cooperative in Singapore and operates a chain of retail pharmacies. However, its unclear merchandising strategy and weak retail presence was hurting growth plans.

The Insight

Our audit of the customer experience and journey revealed that NTUC Unity’s sales ladies were more than promoting merchandise but also offering pearls of wisdom to customers on their health and even personal or lifestyle concerns. Though their mature persona had not always generated excitement, it cast a confident and nurturing aura around the brand, attracting a loyal crowd who intentionally sought out such advice. This insight was extended into positioning NTUC Unity as a community pharmacy for all ages. This was captured in ‘Care for Life’, expressing a brand that empowers people to care for their health and wellness, enabling them to live life to the full.

The Impact

The refreshed brand positioning provided much needed clarity in the merchandising strategy, resulting in the phasing out of all non-health related goods and a focus on healthy living. The store experience was also infused with a sense of wellbeing through the use of more organic forms, fresh colours and health-themed icons, graphics, and most of all, a re-energised customer consultation and engagement process. The Care for Life notion has also inspired a more structured way of sharing health advisory, and laid the foundation to unify its new dental and family medicine clinics, bringing to bear a well-being brand that is more than just health products but one that holistically empowers caring for health for all.

NTUC Unity Pharmacy Branding - Singapore
NTUC Unity Pharmacy Branding - Singapore
NTUC Unity Pharmacy Branding - Singapore