
Clean is Beautiful

Inspiring a new emotional connect and pride of home decoration through Beautex as much more than an everyday household product.

The Challenge

Beautex by Tipex was the first brand to launch a complete range of premium and economical 3-ply products in Singapore. Recognised for it’s tulip motif, the conservative pack design was appealing mainly to the older age group with a diminishing franchise. DIA was briefed to develop a positioning and design that would elevate the brand and appeal to younger home makers.


At the same time Mood, the range of 2-ply tissues, is targeted at younger more budget conscious consumers who are looking for convenience and a brand that can fit any of life’s moments.

The Opportunity

Research indicated that consumers were inspired to look beyond function, to a brand that not just cleans, but inspires a sense of pride and confidence in maintaining a clean and beautiful home and living. That clean can be beautiful.


In contrast, we understood that Mood is beyond paper products, it’s a companion in uplifting life’s daily moments. Mood brings out the fun in the mundane – there’s one for everyone and every moment.

The Outcome

Both Beautex and Mood have been re-launched with an immediate positive response from trade sales, with new positions and increased shelf presence. This has resulted in an immediate reassessment by consumers and an uptick in sales. Tipex are continuing to build on this and Beauex now competes well in the premium sector against it’s global competitors.