Singapore Symphony Choruses

Excellence in Harmony

Unifying Singapore’s national chorus through a love for music and unique artistic expression.

The Challenge

The challenge was to define unique yet unified identities for the Singapore Symphony Children’s Choir (SSCC), Singapore Symphony Youth Choir (SSYC) and Singapore Symphony Chorus (SSC) – that would inspire choristers of all ages to pursue their love for choral performance with the 3 national choruses.

With each chorus singing its own tune, the group lacked unity and consistency, impacting its presence and perceptions as the national choral group.

The Insight

We defined the common and defining thread that unites the 3 choruses – that they were all closely tied to the Singapore Symphony Orchestra – the pinnacle of musical excellence in Singapore.

We integrated artistic excellence as the cornerstone of each choir’s positioning and identity, and expressed each one through the distinct personalities of each choir. By understanding the motivations and needs at each stage of the choral journey, we identified the key characteristics of each chorus, and captured each in a succinct brand promise and identity.

The Solution

Insights from each chorus were expressed through unique brand positioning and identities. Each logo mark was stylised as people, reflecting each stage of a chorister’s journey with the Singapore Symphony Choruses.

For SSCC, Nurturing Choral Brilliance represents the optimism of young talent as they embark on their journey of musical growth. Inspiring Choral Passion captures the passion and dynamism of SSYO as they explore new opportunities, SSO’s brand positioning of Celebrating Choral Excellence reflects highly-skilled, passionate choristers coming together in their shared love for music.

Alongside a clearly defined brand strategy and refreshed identity systems, a messaging strategy was also implemented to ensure that each brand was communicated consistently and effectively across all audiences.

The Impact

With a refreshed brand and identity system, DIA successfully created a consistent platform that inspires collaboration and creativity across the national choirs in their individual focus and shared vision.

This has been applied consistently across its various brand touchpoints, strengthening its role as the pinnacle of choral excellence in Singapore.