Empowering through
customer knowledge

From a technology-focused proposition to a customer-driven one, driving meaningful change in the software industry.

The Challenge

The software category is dominated by conversations on operational efficiencies, and hence lacks differentiation. With the increasing threat of commoditisation, we helped the team at Cuscapi (then called Datascan) reframe category conversations beyond what they did to what their brand was about. A new future for the brand was born.

The Insight

Starting with a series of thought provoking workshops, we helped the leadership team re-perceive their future, moving up the value chain from a ‘solutions-based’ to a more ‘value-based’ proposition. Mapping market opportunity with value delivery, this future-back exercise led to the brand concept of Customer Capital.


Having used the Datascan name for more than two decades, a bold decision was taken to re-position and re-brand as CUSCAPI (coined from Customer (CUS) and Capital (CAPI)). As such, Cuscapi emerged stronger, more agile and customer-driven.


In addition to developing the brand strategy, facilitating organisation alignment and brand engagement, we also formulated a new visual identity system and language to bring the brand promise alive.

Cuscapi Branding - Malaysia
Cuscapi Branding - Malaysia
Cuscapi Branding - Malaysia
Cuscapi Branding - Malaysia

The Impact

Within a year of rebranding, Cuscapi showed impressive growth in revenue by 19% and net profit by 135%. We had successfully co-created a well-aligned organisation that embraces Blue Ocean strategy and continues to confidently communicate that.