Growing partnerships

Beyond packing solutions to world class partnerships – positioning the world No.1 supplier of Intermediate Bulk Containers to ‘hire locally, de-hire globally’.

Goodpack Branding - Singapore

The Challenge

With the world’s largest fleet of steel reusable Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBCs), Goodpack provides services to global core industries at over 5,000 locations worldwide. For years, Goodpack has enjoyed a leadership position underpinned by its first-mover advantage. But as the business grew quickly, there became a critical need for a unifying culture rooted in a strong brand.

The Insight

The solution is quite literally out of the box. DIA found that beyond the IBCs, Goodpack is truly offering the promise of ‘Growing Partnerships’ – by bringing together manufacturers, distributors, buyers and suppliers from different parts of the world through an efficient model of hiring locally and de-hiring globally. This also means giving Goodpack staff a different way of approaching their work – from providing a practical packing solution to proactively being a world-class partner by understanding and even predicting customer needs. This has fuelled the development of a more robust CRM system.


The emphasis on partnerships has also inspired concerted efforts to develop HR and internal communication practices that foster a collaborative work culture.


All this has been reflected in a new identity system that communicates Goodpack’s partnership offer, as well as the unique two-way ‘hire locally, de-hire globally’ proposition.

Goodpack Branding - Singapore
Goodpack Branding - Singapore
Goodpack Branding - Singapore

The Impact

Following the re-branding programme, KKR the global investment firm took a majority stake in Goodpack and the injection of funds is expected to further fuel Goodpack’s global expansion and support the push to grow rewarding partnerships.

Goodpack Branding - Singapore